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Published: 2 week

Monday to Friday in the office - like the "good old days"?

Is the mandatory return to the office a form of "quiet dismissal"? Working from home is so valuable to employees that they may even perceive the measure as a pay cut. At Amazon, it was announced in mid-September that all employees would have to return to the office full-time. Many companies have moved in this direction recently, the question is how will the trend continue? What can help flexible working to work effectively. Diána Ehlers, member of the Hungarian Telework Association, thought further about the developments.

hibrid munkavégzés, távmunka-

On Monday morning, September 16, Amazon's CEO sent an official email to all employees informing them that in order to strengthen the company's culture, improve collaboration and maximize performance for customers, the company has decided to call everyone back to work.

The new policy is to give everyone a desk, but further details are not yet known. What's certain is that workers have just a few months left to adjust their lives so that five days a week in the office will be back from January 2025.

Will compulsory office attendance lead to quiet redundancies?

Some Amazon employees

Úgy tapasztaljuk, hogy Ön hirdetésblokkoló rendszert használ. Kérjük az oldal zavartalan olvasása érdekében kapcsolja ki ezt a funkciót,
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