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Published: 7 month

Will the job of food delivery drivers become a job?

On 24 April 2024, the European Parliament adopted a directive on improving working conditions in platform-based work. This is a major development in EU legislation, which has been welcomed by Dr. Péter Szemán, partner of Bán, S. Szabó, Rausch

Dr. Szemán Péter ügyvéd platform alapú munkavégzés-

The Directive defines a "digital work platform" as any natural or legal person who provides a commercial service that meets all of the following requirements:

- is provided at least partly remotely by electronic means, such as a website or mobile application;

- provided at the request of the recipient of the service;

- includes, as a necessary and essential element, the organisation of work carried out by individuals for remuneration, whether that work is carried out online or at a specific location;

- includes the use of automated monitoring or decision-making systems.

"The latter 'automated tracking systems' refers to systems used to monitor, supervise or evaluate the work performance or activities of individuals performing platform-based work in a work environment," explains Bán, S. Szabó, Rausch

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