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A graduation-para as a parent? Here are some tips from HR experts!

The 2024 school-leaving examination season has begun, with more than 112 700 high school students expected to graduate at 1161 locations across the country. On Monday 6 May, the compulsory written examination started with Hungarian language and literature, followed by maths, history, English and German, and then the optional subjects. What happens if everything does not go as planned for the child and the parent? This is where the head of the Mind-Slides Cooperative, Róbert Göbl Göbl, draws attention to these possibilities and gives some expert tips.

Érettségi-para szülőként? HR szakértői tippek következnek!-

My child has not been admitted - where to next?

Perhaps one of the most common doubts that arises is what happens if someone is not admitted to any of the desired institutions in the first instance. In this case, the most obvious "lifeline" is of course the additional admission, which is also used by many of those who, although they did not apply for any course in February, decided to continue their studies. It is important to note that this option is only really open to those who did not apply for this year's general admission, or who applied but did not get into any course. Another constraint is that you can only apply for one degree course at one higher education institution.

It is also not uncommon for students to opt for deferment. The term "gap year", popular in Anglo-Saxon countries, refers to this, where students who have graduated from high school decide not to jump straight into university or college, but to gain experience - work or study a language - and then take their final exams again. All universities offer deferment options, so those who enrol a year later have nothing to lose. However, this can have the disadvantage of losing their student status: 'Once a young person's student card expires, they are no longer entitled to free medical care and reduced student passes, and they cannot take up student work or internships, which are taxed much more favourably than full-time work. Evening or correspondence students are subject to different conditions regarding discounts, but they are not allowed to work as students either, only full-time students (active or passive semester students) can benefit from this possibility", points out Róbert Göbl, head of Mind-Diák.

Let's choose option B!

It is therefore common for students to continue their education in other ways after graduation - for example, by completing an OKJ course, which also gives them the benefits of student status. Or, if they do not get into the first place, they enrol in the next place they were admitted to. During this time, they learn about the practices of higher education (Neptun, exams, credit system, etc.), gather information and, if they do not like it, drop out and continue their studies elsewhere the following year. It's good to know that you can do this in the first semester without any consequences, because if you only take one (active) semester of a bachelor, master or higher education degree course with a state scholarship, you don't have to pay. However, if they cease to be a student after two or more semesters of active scholarships, they will have to repay the fee (unless they start a new course within one year of the termination).

Robert Göbl says the most important motivation behind taking up student work is - after earning money - to gain professional experience and deepen self-awareness, which is essential for choice of career. "More than once, we have seen that their student work has been a life-changing experience for young people: some have been reassured that they are heading in the right direction, but many have realised while they were working that a different career was actually right for them.

The expert says that as a student, the main driving force may be the salary, and only later, as a graduate, does the realisation of the importance of those first attempts at wings come to light: "That's when you realise that paper is not everything: it's a necessary but not sufficient condition for later success. It is not in itself enough to find your place in the career path, because it depends largely on personal qualities. We also see with our partners that the right attitude and diligence of the candidate are much more important than the number or type of qualifications." He added that those who take on student jobs during college or university tend to do better and faster in the job market thanks to the valuable professional contacts, experience and skills they have acquired.

Parent-child in the workplace? It is possible!

A general experience, the expert says, is that the most attractive student jobs are filled by those who apply early and quickly, and those who have already registered with the student union scheme. Another option mentioned by Róbert Göbl is student work at a parent's place of work, where the chances are also better for seasonal - summer - and even long-term student jobs. "If a parent offers their student-age child a job at their own workplace, for example during the summer holidays, it is important to consider that they cannot work directly under them, but there are opportunities in other departments. Companies that are overburdened by summer holidays can usually benefit from the extra support, and it is an extra relief that the student union takes care of all the labour administration, official registration and payroll for them, while they retain the right to manage the business. Besides, the employer is better off because of the very favourable taxation, and does not even have to "overtime" his full-time staff, which we know very well what the consequences are in the long run - said Róbert Göbl.

photo: freepik

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