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Published: 4 month

How to bring people from different cultures together in a corporate environment?

There is a lot of emotion, conviction, conflict and joy, learning from each other and working together in intercultural organisations. Language differences, different cultural norms and customs, and different non-verbal communication add nuances. At the same time, academic research confirms that diversity has many benefits. But let's not gloss over the difficulties. Valéria Szabó has explored the issue with the help of experienced experts.

Kultúra soknemzetiségű képzés-

Our experience?

How do our interlocutors draw on their own experiences? Let's see. Elvira Kalmár, organisational developer and organisational designer, founder of the Go Beyond Project, a globetrotting developer working with diverse groups, and an experienced digital nomad herself, tells us that in her experience, the more diverse an organisation is, the more diverse perspectives and viewpoints are reflected in its operations and decision-making mechanisms. "Of course, this also means that much less can be taken for granted, and it is worth clarifying the meaning of almost every word and phrase. This is best described in organizational design today by the dual contingency model: both parties know that both parties can change their behavior at any time, i.e. we can always make new agreements with each other about what we mean by the responsibilities of a role."

If every LinkedIn review a professor has received and given is to students or learners from different countries, it's a sure sign that his or her views on the subject are worth listening to. Dr. György Bőgel is a professor of management at CEU Business School. György has worked for decades at various universities, most of them at the then Budapest-based Central European University (CEU), which was a diverse institution in every respect. "My colleagues of different ages came from many different countries. In the classrooms, students from dozens of countries and distant cultures met each other. It was a special experience to see how talented young people come together in the university's entrepreneurship incubator,how they coordinate their ideas and complement each other's knowledge and skills. Practical examples have shown that diversity is strength."


Andrea Kökényesi-Nagy started her career in German, English and Dutch-based companies as a development specialist, and she is a member of the Parrish

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