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Published: 8 month

Hybrid working increases equality between genders and social groups

Two-thirds of female respondents see hybrid work as having helped to level the career playing field and made workplaces more inclusive.

Felmérés: a hibrid munkarend növeli a nemek és társadalmi csoportok közötti egyenlőséget-

The widespread adoption of hybrid working has paved the way for women from minority backgrounds to apply for senior positions in companies, according to a recent report by HRnews. The Women in the Hybrid Workplace survey of more than 1,000 women in hybrid jobs found that the flexibility of hybrid work allowed more than half (53%) of women to get promoted or apply for higher management positions - an encouraging step in promoting equality, and rising to more than three-fifths (61%) for women from minority backgrounds. For nearly three quarters (73%) of women from minority groups, hybrid work has opened up new opportunities that they would not otherwise have had the chance to pursue.

Two-thirds (67%) of respondents say hybrid work has helped level the career playing field, and 70% say hybrid work has made their workplace more inclusive. The data covers women who belong to at least one minority group, including those who identify as LGBTQIA , disabled or from an ethnic minority background.

Nine out of 10 disabled women said hybrid work made office work easier for them. For the overwhelming majority of women (89%), hybrid work also helped them to better balance work and family commitments. Women save valuable time by commuting long distances, and as a result, more than a third (38%) said that hybrid work has given them more time to spend their free time doing what they really enjoy. As a result, the report found that more women are making significant career decisions motivated by the hybrid work schedule and the better work-life balance it offers.

Many women are switching sectors entirely in search of flexible working hours, with two in five (43%) of women saying that hybrid working has enabled them to move into a new industry. Women from minority groups report that this career progression is due to the fact that hybrid work has allowed them to be more productive and efficient (44%), to learn more about other roles within the company (49%), and to get better exposure to senior management (32%).

Of those who said they suffer from mental ill health, three in 10 (27%) experienced improved mental health as a result of hybrid working, and 70% agreed that hybrid working had a positive impact on their career development. Other benefits included savings on commuting costs (38%) and increased productivity (24%), while 7% even said that hybrid work had enabled them to buy a pet.


photo: unsplash

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