pay  gap  bias  UK  PwC  gender  pay  gap 
Published: 11 month

Widening pay gap: for every pound earned by a man, a woman gets 90 pence on average

The UK has dropped from 13th to 17th in the PwC Women at Work index. This is the biggest drop of any country in the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development), reports.

Egy font a férfinak, 90 penny a nőnek-

A few days ago, news emerged that the average wage of female workers has exceeded that of men in Romania for the first time in history. In contrast, a PwC report says for every pound earned by a man in the UK, a woman earns an average of 90 pence, despite having a similar personal and professional background. PwC stressed that the figures were adjusted for other factors affecting wages. Despite this, the report said:\"Even after taking into account nine wage determinants other than gender, we find that much of the gender pay gap persists. This highlights the role that prejudice and structural inequalities in the workplace play in the gender pay gap.\" They added that gender, along with other aspects of identity such as ethnicity and age, influences earnings.

The nine gender pay gaps are also found to be gender inequality, which is a major factor in the gender pay gap.

The report also found that gender affects earnings in the workplace.

The average gender pay gap (the difference in median earnings between women and men) for OECD countries as a whole was 13.5%, PwC found. In the UK, the figure was 14.5%.

In the index measured between 2021 and 2022, Luxembourg came top, followed by Iceland and Slovenia. The tiny country has a negative gap of -0.2%, meaning that women's average earnings are higher than men's.

Australia made the biggest annual improvement in the rankings, moving up seven places from 17th in 2021 to 10th in 2022. By contrast, the UK saw the biggest drop in the ranking compared to last year, falling four places from 13th in 2021 to 17th in 2022.

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