Published: 11 month

Joining forces: how three countries are easing labour shortages and reducing the brain drain

The single labour market between the Open Balkans countries - Albania, Northern Macedonia and Serbia - officially became operational on 1 March. Citizens of the countries concerned can now work in the region without administrative obstacles, even on a seasonal basis, reports.

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Foreign investors can see the region as a single market potential. Structural labour shortages are a major problem in all three countries concerned. Free movement of labour without administrative barriers is therefore expected to bring many benefits. According to a statement by the Serbian Chamber of Economy, free access to the labour market for some 11 million residents will prevent further brain drain from the region and reduce the outflow of young people


In practice, citizens of Serbia, Albania and Northern Macedonia who want to work in one of the countries of the Open Balkans initiative will have to have an ID number, which they can register electronically in a few steps, and this will remove administrative barriers and allow them to work freely in any of these countries. On the digital platform set up for this purpose, a unique Open Balkans Identification Number (IDOB) will be issued by the competent authorities of the place of establishment. They can then access the e-government portal of the country of destination and submit a free labour market access application.

photo: freepik

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