Published: 12 month

Number of retired teachers has risen brutally in a short time

According to the latest figures, 5% of teachers are retired.

Rövid idő alatt brutálisan nőtt a nyugdíjasként foglalkoztatott pedagógusok száma-

According to data as of February 7, a total of 6288 retired teachers are currently employed in public education institutions, Népszava learned from the Education Office. This means that the number of retired teachers has increased significantly in a short period of time. Last autumn, the paper received information from the Ministry of the Interior that a total of 4,342 retired teachers were working in schools in the 2022/23 school year. These figures show a 44.8 per cent increase in the number of retired teachers in public education in one year. A total of 122,000 teachers are employed in public education, meaning 5 percent of them are retired.

People's Voice

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